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BEAUTY & THE BEAST REHEARSAL 5 - 7 pm (all Ballet II - VI dancers)

BEAUTY & THE BEAST REHEARSAL 5 - 7 pm (all Ballet II - VI dancers)



RECITAL PHOTO WEEK: held during regular class times

Even if you are not planning to take individual photos, please attend your designated picture time to be included in the class photo that will be printed in our keepsake programs.

DUDES' DANCE REHEARSAL 6 - 7 pm (dudes only)

BEAUTY & THE BEAST REHEARSAL 5 - 7 pm (all Ballet II - VI dancers)


Tickets will be sold online.

DUDES' DANCE REHEARSAL 7:15 - 8:15 pm (dudes only)

DUDES' DANCE REHEARSAL 6 - 7 pm (dudes and dancers)

IN-STUDIO DRESS REHEARSAL WEEK: held during regular class times

Dancers should come to class with their hair and makeup done and bring their costume and any tights or accessories for that dance. We will practice all dances in Studio A in costume during regular class time.

DUDES' DANCE REHEARSAL 6 - 7 pm (dudes and dancers)


FINAL IN-STUDIO BEAUTY & THE BEAST REHEARSAL 5 - 7 pm (all Ballet classes level II-VI)

  • No other classes will be held.



4:30 pm SHOW B Rehearsal Begins
5:30 pm SHOWS A & C Rehearsal Begins

  • Dancers need to be checked in, ready for their first dance, and seated in the auditorium at their rehearsal start time.


  • No other classes will be held.


12:00 pm SHOW A 
3:30 pm SHOW B

5:30 pm SHOW C

  • Dancers must be checked in and performance ready in their dressing room 30 minutes prior to show time.

Dancers in Ballet classes levels II - VI will be performing in our Ballet Production at shows A & C. In order to rehearse the scenes with all dancers involved, we will need to hold full cast rehearsals in April and May. Please mark your calendars for the following dates and reach out to your child's instructor with any conflicts as soon as possible.

April 16, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
April 30, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
May 14, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
May 27, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
All combined rehearsals will be held at CMS. 
beauty and the beast rose and silhouette
Show Order

What Show is My Dancer In?


  • Ballet I - VI

  • Jazz I - VI

  • Tap I - VI

  • Hip Hop I - VI

  • Musical Theater

  • Acro Beg - Adv

  • Some Company dances

est. running time: 2 hours


  • You & Me

  • Toddler Intro to Dance

  • Preschool Combo

  • Early Childhood Acro

  • Superheroes

  • Some Company dances

est. running time: 45 mins


  • Ballet II - VI

  • Jazz II - VI

  • Tap III - VI

  • Hip Hop II - VI

  • Musical Theater

  • Acro Int - Adv

  • Some Company dances

est. running time: 2 hours


Recital 2025: Pack Your Bags and the May 28th Dress Rehearsal will be held at Revere High School Performing Arts Center, located at 3420 Everett Road, Akron, Ohio 44286.

All parking is free and first come, first served. Dancers will enter at the designated DANCER ENTRANCE located between the building's main entrance and the Performing Arts Center entrance for both Dress Rehearsal and Recital. On Recital day, audience members will enter at the PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ENTRANCE located between the high school and the stadium, near the hole in the wall. Parking is available in the following parking lot locations.


Parking Lot A - Corner of Everett Road and Revere Road

Parking Lot B - Alongside stadium off Revere Road

Parking Lot C - Back of high school off Everett Road


We are excited to offer online ticket sales again this year. Tickets can be purchased through the link above starting May 15, 2025 at 10:00 am. Tickets will remain on sale online through Recital Day.


Tickets are reserved seating and first come, first served. Every person watching the show will need to purchase a ticket with the exception of children 3 and under who will sit on someone's lap.




Pricing is as follows:


Shows A & C

  • Tickets $22

  • Children 3 and under who will sit on someone's lap - Free


Show B

  • Tickets $16

  • Children 3 and under who will sit on someone's lap - Free

*Every person who purchases a ticket will receive a free digital video of the performance. Digital videos take several weeks to prepare and will be emailed once they are available. We appreciate your patience.*


Costumes will be sent home with your dancer before photo week.


Reminders for All Dancers:

-No jewelry, nail polish (toes, too!)

-Undergarments should not be visible and should match the dancer’s skin tone

-If tights are required, they were included in your dancer's costume garment bag. If you need additional tights, they are available for purchase at the front desk or at the admin table at the venue on Dress Rehearsal and Recital days.


Please note that make up is used to enhance facial features under the stage lighting. While we recommend all dancers wear make up for the stage, we do not require dancers to wear make up if they are not comfortable with it or have sensitivities/allergies to it.


Click the links below for hair and make up tutorials and our LookBook with all hair, tights, shoes, and accessories information. **Lookbook Link coming soon, so please check back!


In-Studio Dress Rehearsal will be held at the studio during your dancer’s regular class time the week of May 19 - 22. Dancers should arrive for class with hair and make up done and bring their costume and any tights and accessories. This is when we work out any major issues with costumes and make sure everyone has everything they need to have a great performance before we hit the stage, so we need dancers to make every effort to attend their class during this week.


Dress Rehearsal is MANDATORY for all dancers. No exceptions.


Please note that this is a CLOSED rehearsal. ONE parent or adult caregiver per family will be permitted to attend. Wristband Dress Rehearsal Ticket will be REQUIRED for entry into the theater. Wristband can be picked up at check-in when you arrive at the venue on May 28th.

All dancers should arrive with their hair and make up done for Dress Rehearsal.

  • Show B Dancers should arrive in their costume, but change into their dance shoes at the theater.

  • Dancers in Shows A and C may arrive in their first or only costume, or change at the venue, but should change into their dance shoes at the theater.

**Please do not wear dance shoes outside!**


  • 5:00 pm SHOW B Rehearsal Begins (Check-In Opens at 4:30 pm)

  • 6:00 pm SHOWS A & C Rehearsal Begins (Check-In Opens at 5:30 pm)

    • Dancers need to be checked in, ready for their first dance, and seated in the auditorium at their rehearsal start time, so please aim to arrive when check-in opens.


Dancers will go to the auditorium after Check-In wearing their first costume.

  • We will start rehearsal with a photo on the stage, then we will run our finale for that show. After finale, we will run the dances in order, including the Dudes' Dance.

  • Once your dancer has finished running all of their dances, they are free to leave.


Shows A and C have been combined for rehearsal and will be run together. Company dances will not be performed at Dress Rehearsal. A brief pause will take place of Intermission during A/C rehearsal.


All dancers should arrive with their hair and make up done for Recital.

  • Show B Dancers should arrive in their costume, but change into their dance shoes at the theater.

  • Dancers in Shows A and C may arrive in their first or only costume, or change at the venue, but should change into their dance shoes at the theater.

**Please do not wear dance shoes outside!**



12:00 pm SHOW A  (Check-In opens at 11:00 am)
3:30 pm SHOW B (Check-In opens at 2:30 pm)

5:30 pm SHOW C (Check-In opens at 4:30 pm)

  • Dancers should go straight to check-in upon arrival and will be directed from there by our staff. Dancers must be checked in and performance ready 30 minutes prior to show time.


Show B Dancers will be backstage for a very short time and will be entertained by our volunteers, so they only need to bring themselves and their dance shoes! Dancers should arrive in their first costume and bring any additional costumes.


Show A and C Dancers--

  • Show A and C Dancers will remain backstage for the entire show.

  • Bring: Non-messy snacks, a water bottle, and non-messy activities

  • Leave at Home: Anything messy or valuable (CMS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.)

  • We will have coloring books and crayons available and our dressing room volunteers will help keep the kids occupied when they aren’t dancing.

  • Additional tights will be available for purchase at the front desk or at the Information Table outside the auditorium at the venue.


Recital Photos will be taken May 5 - 8 during your child’s usual class time unless noted below. Our Recital Photos are a wonderful way to remember the season and are featured in the souvenir program book your dancer will receive at Recital, as well as our digital programs.

  • In order to be included in the program book, your dancer must attend their scheduled photo session to be in their group photo. You do not have to purchase photos to be included in the group picture.

  • Individual photos will be taken during the same time as your child’s group photo. If your child is unable to attend at their scheduled time, but you would still like individual photos taken, please reach out to our admin team for scheduling:

  • Sibling photos are available. Please schedule with the front desk. Sibling photos are considered individual photos.

  • These are your memories-- hair and make up can be to your liking for portraits.

  • Please arrive for class ready for photos at or before your scheduled time so we can keep things moving. There will be dressing rooms available for dancers to change into their costumes.



  • To have individual photos taken, you must pay a non-refundable $25 sitting fee to CMS prior to having photos taken.

    • This can be paid through the Parent Portal or at the front desk on or before picture day.

  • After the shoot, our photographer will compile the photos he took into an online viewing gallery where you will be able to decide which photos you want to purchase.

    • Each digital image will be $10 and may be purchased through the online gallery.

    • Prints will be available for an additional fee.



Photos (group and individual) will be taken during your dancer's regular class time unless otherwise noted. Look for your dancer's class day to see if there are any changes to their schedule. Any adjusted times will occur on the same day as your dancer's usual class day.


  • 7:45 Musical Theater will take their photos at 6:15​ pm

  • 7:45 Tap VI will take their photos at 6:30 pm



  • 7:00 Jazz/Lyrical III will take their photos at 5:00 pm

  • 7:00 Jazz I will take their photos at 6:00 pm



  • 3:30 Pre K Combo will take their photos at 4:30 pm

  • 7:00 Ballet IV/V/VI will take their photos at 5:15 pm

  • 7:00 Jazz/Lyrical III will take their photos at 6:45 pm

  • 8:00 pm Hip Hop V/VI will take their photos at 5:45 pm


Recital Videos will be taken during the performances on May 31st.

Videos will be emailed to the email address entered at check out during ticket sales and will be provided free to you as a gift from CMS.

Please allow 8 - 10 weeks for delivery. We appreciate your patience.


(AKA Dads' Dance)

We invite any studio DADS, GRANDPAS, UNCLES, ADULT SIBLINGS, or other adult male role models to participate in our annual Dudes' Dance. There is no cost to participate, but you must be able to attend at least one rehearsal without your child(ren)/dancer(s), one rehearsal with your child(ren)/dancer(s), and Dress Rehearsal on May 28th.


Rehearsals without Dancers

  • May 9th, 6:00 - 7:00 pm

  • May 15th, 7:15 - 8:15 pm


Rehearsals with Dancers

  • May 16th, 6:00 - 7:00 pm

  • May 23rd, 6:00 - 7:00 pm​


Dress Rehearsal at Revere High School

  • May 28th

    • Show B Dudes: Please arrive by 5:15 pm and go to the auditorium​

    • Show A and C Dudes: Please arrive by 6:30 pm and go to the auditorium


Recital T-shirts are a great memento to commemorate your dancer's hard work. The shirts are a softstyle crewneck t-shirt with the recital logo on the front and a list of all performers on the back. The shirts will be Soft Cream with Navy printing.


Shirts will be handed out to the dancers backstage on recital day. Dancers who purchase a shirt will get to wear it for the finale of their show(s)!


Shirts are not on sale yet. Check back soon. No late orders will be accepted. â€‹

Akron, Ohio May 31, 2025 (1).png

In addition to our incredible staff, we rely on a number of volunteers to help keep our dancers happy, comfortable, entertained, safe, and ready to dance! 

  • For the safety of our dancers, the only adults allowed in the backstage area on Recital Day are our volunteers.

  • Many parents with children in both A and C shows choose to watch one show and volunteer during the other.

  • We are always in need of male volunteers for the boys' dressing room.

Volunteers will be able to watch their dancers perform from the backstage area.

Thank you for considering volunteering.


Program Ads are a great way to show support and admiration for your dancer. We have two types of sponsorships-- Personal Congratulations & Business ads. Each dedication or ad will be included in both the digital programs and the printed keepsake programs each dancer will receive.


Ads come in multiple sizes. Please reference the chart below for information regarding the size and cost for each individual space:


2025 Price & Sizing Guide:

FULL PAGE Advertisement (4.5" W x 7.5" H): $90

Half Page Advertisement (4.5" W x 3.75" H): $60 

¼ Page Advertisement (2.25" W x 3.75" H): $40


Business Ads: 

Half Page (4.5" W x 3.75" H) $85

Full Page (4.5" W x 7.5" H) $110


All ads are full color.

Grow As We Go.png

Sample Ads


Thanks for submitting!

Mondays 4:00 - 8:45 pm
Tuesdays 4:00 - 8:30 pm
Wednesdays 4:00 - 8:15 pm
Thursdays 4:00 - 8:15 pm

Fridays - Sundays by appointment only

Tel: 330.665.0990     

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